Here are some more recent things I have been doing for school. The first is where we had to trace a playing card in Illustrator for practice using the pen tool. We also had to keep each color on it's own layer which was a little difficult at first but once I got the hang of everything it was pretty easy. If you click on either image they load much bigger than the little photo here.
The second one is the one I am currently working on and is obviously unfinished, but the project is to take the card and change it into something of your own. I chose to change my card into the King of Ice Cream instead of the King of Spades. I thought of it because at work we use spades to scoop ice cream and the cone with scoops on it fit well where the sword was.
I'm not sure how I like the gummy bears yet... I will probably change them around some before my final. I'll post again when I have it all done. I learned how to make a pattern today also, which is a lot more simple than I ever thought it was. That's what I used for the sprinkle pattern in the hat. I am also thinking of adding some spoons and chocolate chips in there somewhere.