Monday, July 28, 2008

Painting for Grandma

A painting I recently finished for my Grandma. It's about 20"x20" and painted in oil. The birds are called Orange Chats. I gave it to her yesterday and she loved it! It took me about a month or so all together to do, from beginning to end, though I did take a few big breaks while doing it.

I started out with a kind of rainbow of colors sunset type background but I didn't like how it was turning out so I had to wait a few days for it to dry enough that I could paint over it. I think the purple background came out a lot better also. I wish I had gotten a better picture of it besides from photobooth on my computer, but I forgot to take one with my real camera before I gave it to her! Doh!

Now I am starting a painting for my Dad. I went over to his house and helped him look up online photos of beach scenes he liked, and he ended up picking out something he liked. So far I have just sketched it out on the canvas, but I plan on starting the painting of it tomorrow. I'll be sure to take photos of it as I go and keep track of the progress here.

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